Rhythm Incursions: Trick and Wrongtom
As promised, here is the show myself and Wrongtom recorded late last month, which was due to be aired this Saturday as the first show back on Resonance’s FM airwaves. Sadly though delays have meant we won’t now be back on FM airtime until Friday 21st (at the new 4pm time!) so we are going to podcast this show for your delectation instead…
This show followed the usual format of the Trick/Tom monthlies, with each of us selecting 2 old and 2 new tracks to air and discuss. Tracks aired this time included Son Seals, Paul White, King Curtis, The Telescopes, Cactus… and the theme tune from legendary Ronnie Corbett sitcom “Sorry!”. No, seriously.
Click here to download the show – or podcast subscribers sit tight as it’ll most likely be downloading for you right now…
Wrongtom 2: Electric Boogaloo
When we last had Wrongtom in as a guest selector, the response was amazing. We got loads of people saying how much they enjoyed it, and the podcast download became one of our most popular to date. Thing is, we enjoyed doing the show too, and hence we resolved that Tom should come back and do it all again. This time though, we resolved to do two versions: a 60min. long one for FM broadcast, and a longer “Director’s Cut” version for podcasting, which finally weighed in at 2½ hours.
So, here is that longer version for your delectation, in which Tom selects anything from Arthur Lewis to Yello, Gary Bartz to Simple Minds. Yes, you read that correctly – Simple Minds. Just trust us on this one!
On a technical note, we must apologise for some strangeness on Trick’s mic throughout the show which seems to have made him sound like he’s inside a box. We were monitoring the mics at the time, but somehow when committed to disk the mic decided to play up. So, sorry about that – gremlins abound it would seem!
If you’re not a subscriber to the podcast, click here to download (141Mb) and then subscribe to our show (tip: if you’re an iTunes user, just step over to http://itunes.resonancefm.com to launch our special area in the iTunes Podcast Directory)
Mr Trick presents: Dang In Dub 2: The Curse of the Black Ark
With summer finally showing its face around here (London, UK) I thought it was high time to bring a fine dub selection for your ears to enjoy. So, following on from my Dang In Dub mix that secured some 10,000+ downloads over the last 12 months, I bring you the sequel: The Curse of the Black Ark.
This is my personal selection of the finest Upsetter dubs from Lee Perry’s legendary time in his Black Ark studio. As a mix, this one is straight-up: 100% live off my 45s (replete with skips, crackles and more!), armed only with a reverb unit and a space echo to aid blends in true dancehall style. These tracks speak for themselves: heavy heavy dubs that can be enjoyed on your walkman, on the stereo or preferably loud as hell in your backyard via some homespun yard system comprising guitar amps, 12″ bass cones and god knows what else.
But enough talk – enjoy the music and spread the word!
Download directly here (82Mb) if you’re not a podcast subscriber
via http://www.rhythm-incursions.com/