Category: _protest_
Kim Mega Dotcom Schmitz hat wieder was gemacht. Der indische Guru Osho sagte einmal, das es nicht in der Zeitung stehe, wenn einer erleuchtet würde. Über Kim Filewalker steht aber was in der Zeitung. Also seine Erleuchtung ist es nun nicht, aber was denn dann?
Wer kennt das nicht: man will auf Youtube ein Musikvideo ansehen und der Bildschirm informiert einen, das die Gema die Rechte für dieses Video nicht eingeräumt habe und das mit den Worten:
“Dieses Video ist in Deutschland leider nicht verfügbar.” Das findet die Gema anscheinend falsch und streitet sich nun seit geraumer zeit mit Youtube.
K1ller Hoerspiel zum Thema “the Scene” eine elektonische SUBkultur im Wiederstand.
Digital Underground – WDR-Hörspiel zum Thema / German “Scene” Audiobook
[click here 4 free mp3 ]
resources etc.
> wikipedia:
“Unter The Scene wird eine Computer-Subkultur verstanden, die sich im wesentlichem zum Ziel gesetzt hat, illegale Kopien von neuen Filmen und Computerspielen sowie neuer Musik innerhalb ihrer eigenen Netzwerke zu verbreiten, meist noch vor deren offiziellen Veröffentlichung. Im deutschsprachigen Raum wird oft auch die Bezeichnung „Die Scene“ benutzt. Die Szenemitglieder selbst nennen sich meist „Scener“. Die Szene hat ihre eigene Strukturen, Etiketten und Regeln, und unterteilt sich in mehrere, meist international verteilte Release Groups.”
- The Scene
- Warez
- Operation Fastlink
- Operation Site Down
- Topsite (englisch, Liste mit bekannten Warez-Gruppen)
Wired Artikel: The shadow internet (englisch)
Geschichte der Cracking Groups: Auszug aus dem Buch NO COPY – Die Welt der digitalen Raubkopie free radio show!
Chaos Computer Club Radio Archive in German
Exotica, ausführliche Informationen und Geschichte über die Demoszene in Wiki-Form
-, Informationen über die Demoszene
-, riesige Datenbank mit Links, Screenshots und Rückblicken auf viele Demos aller Rechnerplattformen.
- Chaosradio Nr. 62: Demoszene
- Ein Artikel bei über die Demoszene
- ↑ Digitale Kultur e.V.: Was ist die Demoszene? (PDF)
- ↑ WiDDY/Antichrist: The Scene Story
- ↑ Trixter: A Guide to the PC Demo Scene
- ↑ Boris Burger, Ondrej Paulovic, Milos Hasan: Realtime Visualization Methods in the Demoscene
- ↑ Patrick Brauch: Computerkunst am Rhein, c’t 9/2005
- ↑ Petri Kuittinen: Computer Demos – The Story So Far
- ↑ List of Demoparties
The BAD ASSS German REAL RAP Terrorist > Taktlo$$ > is hitting the airwaves in a
usual / unusual way…. i swear you never seen something like this before 4 real !
check that video at the end here… taktloss in full effect ! so true so real NO FAKE
> The 3 min taktloss freestyle! Go for Minute 26.30 > Real Radio Terrorism
Taktloss live on german radio fritz together with Halbgott mc + producer K.S.
& the lame moderator Andre Langenfeld. Also there the very talented freestyle
wizard < halbgott mc < also from Berlin. Watch his Videos below.
Feel the Real Vibes of German Rap beyond crap linke k.i.z. or the most other
german releases these Days. Check the Taktloss and Halbgott Sites >
Fritz Soundgarden vom 25.09.2007 Keyza Soze. Weitere Gäste sind Taktloss,
Justus & Amewu. Keyza Soze macht live in der Sendung einen Beat über den
Amewu und Taktloss am Ende freestylen. Weiterhin performed Amewu “Talent”
vom Komponisten-Album live im Studio
check out
Hi Folks
My dear Friend Whylee started an own Blog about black culture in germany and the world also related political issues you dont read elsewhere. Check his African News
He also perform sometime as a very special freestyle & dubstep mc
check his myspace
“Have a look and give me feedback. I just startet!. If you have interessting links or storys, mail me, please.”
greetings whylee :
Here’s a hint for all bands and music promotion scumbags hoping to get their MP3 on Splurge for some web space. Because if you use MySpace to house your MP3s, I will immediately write you off as completely clueless amateurs. ESPECIALLY IF YOUR BAND IS AGAINST THE IRAQ WAR.
Does that make any fucking sense? Being a Bush-bashing band on MySpace? Helping the Iraq war’s biggest cheerleader and potential war profiteer, Rupert Murdoch, get even richer by driving traffic to MySpace’s advertisers?
Fuck MySpace.
Enlarge picture
It’s been quite some time since I wrote on RIAA (still fat there, guys?) or CRB and their mischiefs. So far, it looks like the Congress is experiencing a rather low interest in the fate of the internet-based radio broadcasters, namely, webcasters.
The almost insane royalty fees proposed by the CRB (Crappy Rotten Bulls**t aka the Copyright Royalty Board) are most likely to lead the webcasters to complete extinction. The high royalty rates are due to become effective on July 15th and they will backfire in the year 2006; they involve a minimal tax of $500 per channel for every internet radio no matter the size and number of listeners.
This way, the small and dedicated web stations are the first to go, soon followed by more and more similar online media. The webcasters, grouped in the Save Net Radio organization, have appealed the decision of the CRB but so far the royalty bill hasn’t been co-sponsored by too many enthusiast congressmen.
Representative Jay Inslee (D-WA) was the first to signal this in an official medium in the Congress and has managed to draw attention to the dangers of such radios becoming extinct. The campaign against the new royalty rates goes on as more and more web radios have inserted jingles appealing people to call their congressmen and ask them to get involved.
The next activity of Save Net Radio will be held on June the 26th which has been declared an internet radio Silence Day. The Day of Silence is expected to receive massive support this year; unlike the 2002 similar action. The 2002 Day of Silence was intended for small webcasters whereas this year’s manifestation will most likely involve large players as well.
The 26 June Day of Silence is intended for showing people how the internet will be like if the currently-adopted royalty fees stand. Myself, I hope that the CRB chokes of that money.
We are just a few, but there are many of you, Softpedia users, out there. That’s why we thought it would be a good idea to create an email address for you to help us a little in finding gadgets we missed. Interesting links are bound to be posted with recognition going mainly to those who submit. The address is .
06.25.07 Protest will silence some online music
Boston Globe, June 25, 2007
06.25.07 Internet radio operators plan silent protestPlain Dealer, June 25, 2007
06.25.07 A Look at Radio Silence: When Copyright Law Reform Goes Terribly WrongFindLaw, June 25, 2007
06.25.07 Has Internet radio flatlined?
Beep, June 25, 2007
06.25.07 Radio Javan’s Day of Silence on Tuesday
Radio Javan, June 25, 2007
06.25.07 Internet Radio Day Of Silence
Spacelab Music News, June 25, 2007
06.25.07 Radio Silence
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Online, June 25, 2007
06.24.07 Internet Radio Goes Black June 26. Thoughts.
MP3, Jun 24, 2007
06.24.07 Internet Radio Will go Silent on June 26
Slashdot June 24, 2007
06.23.07 Radio Notes: Internet radio to go silent for a dayPittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 23, 2007
MORE RELATED ARTICLES: The Congress Looks Like Saving Internet Radio By Yesterday Bill
Opposing The Webcasters’ Downfall
The Future’s Grim
The Attempted Murder on Net Radio: CRB Denies Webcasters’ Appeal
SoundExchange Ease up/ Truth in Music Spreads
RIP Internet Radios
How to Boycott RIAA
Welcome to the dropping knowledge summercamp.
Here begins a month-long experiment in alternative multimedia coverage and creative artistic expression.
From Berlin to the Baltic Sea resort of Heiligendamm, where the leaders of the Group of 8 nations will convene from June 6-9, dropping knowledge will be on the trail of stories, questions and a multiplicity of views, capturing the culture and the counterculture of this year’s G8 summit.
Sudan’s Darfur conflict
The African Union (AU) peacekeeping force in Darfur is struggling to halt widespread abuses and violence, but Sudan is rejecting plans for it to hand over to a larger, stronger UN mission. More than two million people are living in camps after fleeing almost four years of fighting in the region and they would be even more vulnerable without any peacekeepers. Sudan’s government and the pro-government Arab militias are accused of war crimes against the region’s black African population, although the UN has stopped short of calling it genocide. Sudan also rejects moves by the International Criminal Court to name and then try war crimes suspects. |
- History of Darfur, for a broader view of the events that have caused the current conflict
- Bibliography of the Darfur conflict, for all external links to news coverage,
- Chad-Sudan conflict
- African Union Mission in Sudan
- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1706
- Central African War