>> [Download Mix] >> [Download Art] VLR and Grim on Mbient presents Commute By Wires, a project that started in spring 2005, where the idea was to mix one song each, and send it to the other via the means of Internet. With time out of the equation and without the restraints of a club or an audience, the focus became to make the best mix possible. Multiple takes of a mix was the rule rather than the exception, just to ensure that the endresult was something that can be enjoyed over and over. The creators of this mix are not professional DJs, they are just two guys who enjoy putting tracks together using turntables or computer, and in the words of Red Snapper, Our Aim Is To Satisfy, and nothing could be more analogue to the mindset of VLR and Grim on Mbient Fellow conspirators: virginpusher (introduction), gl0tch (artwork) & phobiazero (radio) |