XNDL still there
The SUBVERSIV*REC. founder, Rushya and Gunporn producer Xndl presents his new album “still there” and once again a huge range of musical styles.
Mostly electronical and IDM influenced music but also analogue sample-based or even Breakcore/Techno influenced sounds can be found on his new album.
Once again affiliated artists are featured. Epic from Clotheshorse Rec (CA), Demune (Ponowai Flora/USA) and Time (USA) have contributed their iRaps for this album. There also can be found a remix project.Mr. Cooper (Wimm Rec) gave Xndl sounds for remixing one of his tracks
This CD contains 13 tracks + random bonus tracks.That means…SURPRISE!!! Some CDs contain the video to the song “on TV”.
Everything is made by Xndl himself, the music the artwork,the mastering and even the manufaturing of the CD. There will be 3 different versions,every one handmade and limited to 111 copies.
01. psych-ops
02. days´n´times rmx feat.EPIC [chrec.]
03. fubar
04. i saw it on tv
05. still there…
06. tongues
07. der nächste!
08. machinehead
09. i think he means you…
10. broken demons feat. DEMUNE [ponowai flora]
11. cyberbilly instr.
12. stolen gems samples by MR.COOPER [wimm rec]
12. b.l.u.e.
13. mudhoney
feat. TIME [Dirty Laboratory]
+ 2 random/secret bonus tracks
More info:
www.myspace.com/subversivrec more info: www.subversiv-rec.de – www.vinylkingz.de