!_mixed_! FAVORITES

The free Download V.A. Fuckparade CD released !

Fuckparade 2007

The Fuckparade starts the season 2007 with a hot May:

  • The Commerzbank and the Tax Office Mitte make another attempt on May 8th to auction the Köpi and the adjacent trailer park. Once more the inhabitants are ignored, there’s no dialogue. The Fuckparade supports a demonstration against that on Saturday, May 5th, 3 pm at Breitscheidplatz, and in front of the County Court Mitte on Tuesday, May 8th, 7 am at Littenstr. 11-17.
  • May 12th: A solidarity party for all those actions featuring a gabber and a techno floor at the Cassiopeia at Revaler Strasse. After so much politics finally a day to relax and party!
  • May 16th: Hearing about the Fuckparade 2001 at the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig (BVerwG 6 C 23.06). We have commented on the anticipated topics about a year ago.

A lot can happen until then, but remember the date for the Fuckparade 2007, which will be August 18th.

As a soundtrack for your political “partyzipation” and to make your precarious lives a little more pleasant, download (ZIP, 115 MB) the Fuckparade CD of 2006. 14 international artists have produced tracks for this CD, reflecting the topics of the Fuckparade. You can use and remix them according to the Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.

VA – fuckparade 2006

Artist….: Various Artists
Album…..: fuckparade 2006
Genre…..: Electronic
Tracks….: 22
Rel.Date..: 2006-07-29
Rip.Date..: 2006-07-30
Label…..: None
Encoder…: LAME 3.97
Quality…: VBR kbps / 44.1Hz / Joint-Stereo

01  <skit>                 Musik eine Waffe?                      00:15
02  BooT-SectoR-ViruZ      For Fun & Profit                 02:20
03  DJ Plague              Terrorists Never Miss            05:24
04  <skit>                 Musikmix                                   00:08
05  IO                     Ernstfall                                       04:43
06  <skit>                 Unterwanderung                       00:13
07  Jensen                 Strikeforce                              05:20
08  Tocsin                 Bring the War Home                 05:34
09  <skit>                 Party ohne Polizei                     00:07
10  Max Dose               Legal Illegal Scheißegal       06:26
11  <skit>                 Gegen Kommerz                        00:19
12  Xadaver                C-ism is everywhere              04:20
13  SvG |  TrshComp                        04:50
14  Sieste                 Chaindestruction                      04:43
15  <skit>                 Es darf getanzt werden             00:12
16  k.on.sequenz           Dunkleräume                       05:58
17  Syntax aka waxhead     Zero-Gravity-Cargo       03:20
18  Manuel Fuentes         Hate for the sake of hate   05:14
19  <skit>                 Der Feind eint                            00:17
20  Ordnungsamt            Nichtraus                            05:35
21  Augst & Beck           Nachttanzdemo2001            05:04
22  <skit>                 Ausgrenzung von Minderheiten  00:33

                                                 Total: 114 MB / 70:59 min

Release Notes:
The Fuckparade is an international political network of sub-, club-, and youth
cultures. Major manifestations at the moment are demonstrations in Berlin.


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