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BEST MIX in 2006 > Dj Spooky : Hail the Jewel in the Blue Lotus Mix

Hail the Jewel in the Blue Lotus Mix
Buddhist hip hop
by Dj Spooky

Mix features:
The Monks of Deprung Loesling Monastery, Daniel Bernhard Roumain, King Tubby, Philip Glass, The Beastie Boys, Saul Williams,
John Coltrane and Alice Coltrane.

This mix was inspired by a lecture discussion I presented at The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art around my book Rhythm Science, and is a pun o­n Jack Keouac’s book length short story “The Subterraneans” and the longer novel, Dharma Bums, mixed with a dash of soul from what I view as some of the more intriguing folks operating in contemporary music.

It’s a short mix – almost 30 minutes, but the invocation of the Deprung monks of “hundreds of millions of worlds” should give you a taste of the multiplicity they revere. Sampling is a digital mirror of this kind of aesthetic, and I made the mix as a sketch to show some examples of different forms of information could be transformed by praxis. The event was sponsored by Art Asia Pacific Magazine‘s “Artists o­n Art” lecture series. Other speakers include Laurie Anderson, Shahzia Sikander, Momus, Sanford Biggers, Naeem_Mohaiemen.

Paul aka Dj Spooky NYC 2006

The Track Listing:
Dj Spooky featuring Daniel Bernhard Roumain – Code Blue
Saul Williams – Ohm
John Coltrane – Om
mixed w/ Saul Williams “P.G.”
Lama Chopa: Monks of Drepung Loseling Monastery
– Malu Semchen “Invocation of the Masters of the Enlightenment”
Beastie Boys – Bodhisvatta Vow
Lama Chopa: Monks of Drepung Loseling Monastery
– Malu Semchen “Invocation of the Masters of the Enlightenment”
Maffa All-Stars & King Tubby – Don’t Think About Me, I’m Alright
Saul Williams – Ohm
Dj Spooky and Ursula Rucker – Being Black
Alice Coltrane – Stopover Bombay
Philip Glass – Koyanisqaatsi


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