is here! After over five years of pioneering African hip hop music streams on the web, now brings you a full webcast station with monthly updated shows from around the African continent. Content is provided by radio deejays who all have their own shows on existing popular music stations, thus providing us with the latest tunes, interviews and news from the ground.
The first offering unites our regular deejay team from Angola, Cape Verde, Nigeria, South Africa and Holland into a truly pan-African station. Listen to over 6 hours of non-stop music and talk at the cutting edge.
Listen now!
Click here to listen to the whole show (over 4 hours)
User uploads: African hip hop tracks that were sent by the artists themselves.
You can also listen to one of the seperate shows:
Drew & J4 (Holland)
Lee (South Africa)
Cavera – part 1 (Angola)
Cavera – part 2 (Angola)
Harry Okoh & Mode IX (Nigeria)
Revoltod (Cape Verde)
Revoltod interview with LOD (Cape Verde)
Hip hop in the motherland: Countries & Crews
Click on a country to access the relevant articles in the Countries & Crews archive.