Ok people, listen up! This is going to be the first of many major announcements to come, as we start shaking things up here on The Foundation. Today, we take our first giant leap.
First up, we are once again allocating individual web spaces, this time 10 – each with a capacity of 4GB and its own subdomain.
But, rather than just giving them out to the first 10 people who request, we’re going to spice things up with a little competition of sorts. Here’s how it’s going to work:
Those who are interested will have to submit a mix, which can either be hosted externally or sent to us via email based delivery methods like ‘Yousendit’ and such. All genres welcomed. We would also require the track-listing, any form of artwork to go along with the mix (400 x 400px @ 72 dpi) and a short bio of the submitter.
We will then proceed to publish a review of the mix and use all our SEO and promo resources to promote the mix. What happens from then on will depend on how much the submitter wants his or her mix to be propagated and heard.
Think of it as a test of your own promotional capabilities. What can you contribute? What ideas can you bring to the table to help create more awareness, not just of The Foundation but also of your work and yourself? What will you do to be heard?
The Foundation Admins will track and analyse all the relevant data such as number of hits, downloads, trackbacks and active discussions for a period of one week from the time the mixset review is published. All stats will be made public.
At the end of the day, DJs with the 10 most active and trafficked mixsets will be awarded their individual webspaces with a capacity of 4GB each and personal subdomains.
What is most important however, is the attitude our new members are going to bring to the site. The last thing we need is some know-it-all douche bag who acts like some big hot-shot, using the allocated spaces as just another place to dump mixes. Or worse, as a personal hard-drive!
We’re looking for lovers of music who are passionate about their own preferences, open-minded about styles other than their own and who possess a desire to spread awareness about The Foundation and its family.
Ambassadors, members and graduates take note. You have a chance to engage in this as well. Many of you have encountered super-talented and enthusiastic DJs that would jump at the chance to be a regular member of FKL. You can help choose the next generation of contributors by recommending people who you think deserve to be heard.
If you would like to nominate yourself or somebody else, leave us a comment below this post expressing your interest in participating, as well as the necessary links for the required items as mentioned above. This will help make things simple as well as allow us to keep our list of participants public.
These are certainly exciting times and we look forward to everyone’s participation in this project. If you have any thoughts, recommendations or questions, head to the comments and let us know.
[Spacetime expansion image obtained from WikiCommons]